

The Lodge will be Opened, Passed and Raised by


Brother John Robinson Thorburn, Master



The Provincial Grand Lodge of Midlothian will be received, headed by


Brother Thomas Constable Smith

Provincial Grand Master



Grand Lodge will be received,

headed by


Brother Ewan Rutherford

Depute Grand Master


The Master will present the Gavel to the Depute Grand Master



Ceremony of Rededication


The Depute Grand Master will announce the purpose of the meeting



                                                                                                Opening Praise                                              Tune: Crimond


The Lord’s my shepherd,

Yea, though I walk in

I’ll not want.

death’s dark vale

He makes me down to lie

yet will I fear none ill:

In pastures green:

he leadeth me

For thou art with me:

and thy rod

                                                                                      the quiet waters by.


And staff me comfort still.






My soul he doth restore again:


Goodness and mercy all my life

And me to walk doth make

Shall surely follow me;

Within the paths of righteousness,

And in God’s house for evermore,

Ev’n for His own name’s sake.

My dwelling place shall be.




Scripture Reading – Grand Chaplain



Act of Rededication


Tune: Amazing Grace


1 Pray that Jerusalem may have

2 Therefore I wish that peace

Peace and felicity:

may still

Let them that love thee and

Within Thy walls remain

thy peace

And ever may Thy palaces

Have still Prosperity

Prosperity retain.


                                                                                                                              3 Now for my friend’s and Brethren’s sake

Peace be in Thee: I’ll say

And for the House of God our Lord

I’ll seek Thy good alway.






The Threefold Blessing





Oration by Grand Chaplain

(Brethren to remain seated during this part of the ceremony)


Paraphrase 18                                     Tune: Glasgow


Behold! the mountain

To this the joyful nations round

of the Lord

All tribes and tongues,

In latter days shall rise

shall flow;

On mountain tops

Up to the hill of God,

above the hills,

they’ll say

And draw the wondering eyes.

And to his house we’ll go.


Blessing from the South

Brethren: So mote it be.


The beam that shines

Among the nations

from Zion hill

he shall judge;

Shall lighten every land;

His judgements truth shall guide;

The King who reigns in

His sceptre shall

Salem’s towers

protect the just,

Shall all the world command.

And quell the sinner’s pride.


Blessing from the West

Brethren: So mote it be.


No strife shall rage,

No longer hosts

nor hostile feuds

encountering hosts

Disturb those peaceful years;

Shall crowds of slain deplore:

To ploughshares men

They hang the trumpet

shall beat their swords,

in the hall,

To pruning hooks their spears.

And study war no more.



Blessing from the East

Brethren: So mote it be.


Address by Bro. Ewan Rutherford, Depute Grand Master


Paraphrase 2:                                                Tune: Salzburg


O God of Bethel!

Our vows, our pray’rs

By whose Hand

we now present

Thy people still are fed;,

Before thy throne of grace;

Who through this weary

God of our fathers!


Be the God

Hast all our fathers led.

Of their succeeding race.



Prayer of Thanksgiving

Brethren: So mote it be.


Brethren will sing

Such blessings from thy gracious hand

Our humble pray’rs implore

And thou shalt be our chosen God

And portion evermore.




The Depute Grand Master will present the Gavel to the Master


The Master will thank the Depute Grand Master


Collection on behalf of Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund


Grand Lodge will retire


Provincial Grand Lodge will retire


The Lodge will be closed in due and antient form










250th Anniversary

Rededication Ceremony



To be held on


Saturday 10th March 2018




Masonic Hall

7 Balcarres Road



At 12:30pm